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Shapes Explorer

This example uses geometries created by Mathematica's "Shapes" package.
Cylinder [r, h ,n]  cylinder with radius r, and half height h drawn using n polygons
Torus [r1, r2, n, m]  torus with radii r1 and r2 drawn using a n by m mesh
Sphere [r, n, m]  sphere with radius r drawn using m(m-2)+2 polygons
MoebiusStrip[r1, r2, n]  Möbius strip with radii r1 and r2 drawn using 2n polygons
Helix[r, h, m, n]  helix with radius r, half height h and m turns drawn using an n by m mesh
Cone[r, h, n]  cone with radius r and half height h drawn using n polygons

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